RVIDLINES line identification: pixel observed rest user Vresidual [identification] CURSOR KEY SUMMARY ? Help l Match list w Window graph a Affect all features m Mark feature y Find peaks b Deblend n Next feature z Zoom graph c Center feature(s) o Go to line + Next feature d Delete feature(s) p Pan graph - Previous feature f Fit velocity q Quit . Nearest feature i Initialize r Redraw graph I Interrupt j Preceding line t Reset position k Next line u Enter coordinate COLON COMMAND SUMMARY :show [file] :features [file] :coordlist [file] :cradius [value] :threshold [value] :database [file] :ftype [type] :fwidth [value] :image [image] :labels [type] :match [value] :maxfeatures [value] :minsep [value] :read [image [ap]] :write [image [ap]] :zwidth [value] :add [image [ap]] CURSOR KEYS ? Clear the screen and print menu of options a Apply next (c)enter or (d)elete operation to (a)ll features b Mark and de(b)lend features by Gaussian fitting c (C)enter the feature nearest the cursor d (D)elete the feature nearest the cursor f (F)it a redshift and velocity from the fitted and user coordinates i (I)nitialize (delete features and coordinate fit) j Go to the preceding image line or column in a 2D or multispec image k Go to the next image line or column in a 2D or multispec image l Match coordinates in the coordinate (l)ist m (M)ark a new feature near the cursor and enter coordinate and label n Move the cursor or zoom to the (n)ext feature (same as +) o Go to the specified image line or column in a 2D or multispec image p (P)an to user defined window after (z)ooming on a feature q (Q)uit and continue with next image (also carriage return) r (R)edraw the graph t Reset the position of a feature without centering u Enter a new (u)ser coordinate and label for the current feature w (W)indow the graph. Use '?' to window prompt for more help. y Automatically find "maxfeatures" strongest peaks and identify them z (Z)oom on the feature nearest the cursor . Move the cursor or zoom to the feature nearest the cursor + Move the cursor or zoom to the next feature - Move the cursor or zoom to the previous feature I Interrupt task and exit immediately. Database information is not saved. identify options-(64%)-line 62-file 1 of 1 COLON COMMANDS The parameters are listed or set with the following commands which may be abbreviated. To list the value of a parameter type the command alone. :show file Show the values of all the parameters :features file Write feature list to file (default is STDOUT) :coordlist file Coordinate list file :cradius value Centering radius in pixels :threshold value Detection threshold for feature centering :database name Database for recording feature records :ftype value Feature type (emission|absorption|gemission|gabsorption) :fwidth value Feature width in pixels :image imagename Set a new image or show the current image identify options-(80%)-line 80-file 1 of 1 :labels value Feature label type (none|index|pixel|coords|user|both) :match value Coordinate list matching distance identify options-(83%)-line 83-file 1 of 1 :maxfeatures value Maximum number of features automatically found :minsep value Minimum separation allowed between features :read name ap Read a record from the database (name and ap default to the current spectrum) :write name ap Write a record to the database (name and ap default to the current spectrum) :add name ap Add features from the database (name and ap default to the current spectrum) :zwidth value Zoom width in user units Labels: none - No labels index - Sequential numbers in order of increasing pixel position identify options-(96%)-line 96-file 1 of 1 pixel - Pixel coordinates coords - User coordinates such as wavelength user - User labels both - Combination of coords and user