
Kalibracja strumienia na przykladzie widm V603 Aql

    standard -- Add standard stars to sensitivity file

    standard input [records] output


        List of input standard star spectra or root names if  using  the
        record  number  extension  format.   All  spectra  of  the  same
        aperture must be of the same  standard  star.   In  beam  switch
        mode  or when the same star parameter is set all spectra must be
        of  the  same  standard  star  regardless  of  aperture  number.
        Normally  the  spectra  will  not be extinction corrected but if
        they are then the extinction file should also be given  and  the
        same extinction file should be used with sensfunc.

epar standard:

                                  I R A F
                    Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = kpnocoude
   TASK = standard

input   =    ccd0024.ms.lambda  Input image file root name
output  =            HD2857TXT  Output flux file (used by SENSFUNC)
(samesta=                  yes) Same star in all apertures?
(beam_sw=                   no) Beam switch spectra?
(apertur=                     ) Aperture selection list
(bandwid=                INDEF) Bandpass widths
(bandsep=                INDEF) Bandpass separation
(fnuzero=  3.6800000000000E-20) Absolute flux zero point
(extinct= onedstds$/ctioextinct.dat) Extinction file
(caldir =    onedstds$/irscal/) Directory containing calibration data
(observa=                  eso) Observatory for data
(interac=                  yes) Graphic interaction to define new bandpasses
(graphic=             stdgraph) Graphics output device
(cursor =                     ) Graphics cursor input
star_nam=               HD2857  Star name in calibration list
airmass =                       Airmass
exptime =                       Exposure time (seconds)
answer  =                   no  (no|yes|NO|YES|NO!|YES!)
(mode   =                   ql)


kp> e
standard ccd0024.ms.lambda  HD2857TXT
ccd0024.ms.lambda[*,1,1](1): HD2857   15M 2"
Star name in calibration list (HD2857):
ccd0024.ms.lambda[1]: Edit bandpasses? (no|yes|NO|YES|NO!|YES!) (no):

PACKAGE = kpnocoude
   TASK = sensfunc

standard=            HD2857TXT  Input standard star data
file (from STANDARD)
sensitiv=                sens  Output root sensitivity function imagename
(apertur=                     ) Aperture selection list
(ignorea=                  yes) Ignore apertures and
make one sensitivity functi
(logfile=              logfile) Output log for statistics information
(extinct= onedstds$/ctioextinct.dat) Extinction file
(newexti=          extinct.dat) Output revised extinction file
(observa=                  eso) Observatory of data
(functio=              spline3) Fitting function
(order  =                    6) Order of fit
(interac=                  yes) Determine sensitivity function
(graphs =                   sr) Graphs per frame
(marks  =       plus cross box) Data mark types (marks deleted added)
(colors =              2 1 3 4) Colors (lines marks deleted added)
(cursor =                     ) Graphics cursor input
(device =             stdgraph) Graphics output device
answer  =                  yes  (no|yes|NO|YES)
(mode   =                   ql)


    sensfunc -- Determine sensitivity and extinction functions

    sensfunc standards sensitivity

kp> sensfunc HD2857TXT sens
Fit aperture 1 interactively? (no|yes|NO|YES) (no|yes|NO|YES) (yes

                                    I R A F
                     Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = kpnocoude
   TASK = calibrate

input   =    ccd0008.ms.lambda  Input spectra to calibrate
output  = ccd0008.ms.lambda.cal  Output calibrated spectra
(extinct=                  yes) Apply extinction correction?
(flux   =                  yes) Apply flux calibration?
(extinct= onedstds$/ctioextinct.dat) Extinction file
(observa=                  eso) Observatory of observation
(ignorea=                  yes) Ignore aperture numbers in flux calibration?
(sensiti=                 sens) Image root name for sensitivity spectra
(fnu    =                   no) Create spectra having units of FNU?
airmass =                       Airmass
exptime =                 300.  Exposure time (seconds)
(mode   =                   ql)


    calibrate -- Apply extinction corrections and flux calibrations
    calibrate input output [records]
kp> calibrate ccd0008.ms.lambda ccd0008.ms.lambda.cal
ccd0008.ms.lambda.cal: V603 5MIN
  Extinction correction applied
  Flux calibration applied