
EKSTRAKCJA WIDMA (sumowanie 2D -> 1D)


edytujemy apall.par

cl> eparam apall

wazne parametry do ustawienia:

(format =            multispec) Extracted spectra format
(weights=             variance) >apall.weights
(clean  =                        yes) >apall.clean

                                    I R A F
                     Image Reduction and Analysis Facility
PACKAGE = kpnocoude
   TASK = apall

input   =                       List of input images
(output =                     ) List of output spectra
(apertur=                     ) Apertures
(format =            multispec) Extracted spectra format
(referen=                     ) List of aperture reference images
(profile=                     ) List of aperture profile images

(interac=                  yes) Run task interactively?
(find   =                  yes) Find apertures?
(recente=                  yes) Recenter apertures?
(resize =                  yes) Resize apertures?
(edit   =                  yes) Edit apertures?
(trace  =                  yes) Trace apertures?
(fittrac=                  yes) Fit the traced points interactively?
(extract=                  yes) Extract spectra?
(extras =                  yes) Extract sky, sigma, etc.?
(review =                  yes) Review extractions?

(line   =                INDEF) Dispersion line
(nsum   =                   10) Number of dispersion lines to sum or median

                                # DEFAULT APERTURE PARAMETERS

(lower  =                  -5.) Lower aperture limit relative to center
(upper  =                   5.) Upper aperture limit relative to center
(apidtab=                     ) Aperture ID table (optional)

                                # DEFAULT BACKGROUND PARAMETERS

(b_funct=            chebyshev) Background function
(b_order=                    1) Background function order
(b_sampl=          -10:-6,6:10) Background sample regions
(b_naver=                   -3) Background average or median
(b_niter=                    0) Background rejection iterations
(b_low_r=                   3.) Background lower rejection sigma
(b_high_=                   3.) Background upper rejection sigma
(b_grow =                   0.) Background rejection growing radius

                                # APERTURE CENTERING PARAMETERS

(width  =                   5.) Profile centering width
(radius =                  10.) Profile centering radius
(thresho=                   0.) Detection threshold for profile centering

                                # AUTOMATIC FINDING AND ORDERING PARAMETERS

nfind   =                       Number of apertures to
be found automatically
(minsep =                   5.) Minimum separation between spectra
(maxsep =                1000.) Maximum separation between spectra
(order  =           increasing) Order of apertures

                                # RECENTERING PARAMETERS

(aprecen=                     ) Apertures for recentering calculation
(npeaks =                INDEF) Select brightest peaks
(shift  =                  yes) Use average shift instead of recentering?

                                # RESIZING PARAMETERS

(llimit =                INDEF) Lower aperture limit relative to center
(ulimit =                INDEF) Upper aperture limit relative to center
(ylevel =                  0.1) Fraction of peak
or intensity for automatic width
(peak   =                  yes) Is ylevel a fraction of the peak?
(bkg    =                  yes) Subtract background in automatic width?
(r_grow =                   0.) Grow limits by this factor
(avglimi=                   no) Average limits over all apertures?

                             # TRACING PARAMETERS

(t_nsum =                   10) Number of dispersion lines to sum
(t_step =                   10) Tracing step
(t_nlost=                    3) Number of consecutive times profile is
lost before
(t_funct=             legendre) Trace fitting function
(t_order=                    2) Trace fitting function order
(t_sampl=                    *) Trace sample regions
(t_naver=                    1) Trace average or median
(t_niter=                    0) Trace rejection iterations
(t_low_r=                   3.) Trace lower rejection sigma
(t_high_=                   3.) Trace upper rejection sigma
(t_grow =                   0.) Trace rejection growing radius

                                # EXTRACTION PARAMETERS

(backgro=                 none) Background to subtract
(skybox =                    1) Box car smoothing length for sky
(weights=             variance) >apall.weights
(pfit   =                fit1d) Profile fitting type (fit1d|fit2d)
(clean  =                  yes) >apall.clean
(nclean =                  0.5) Maximum number of pixels to clean
(niterat=                    5) Number of profile fitting iterations
(saturat=                INDEF) Saturation level
(readnoi=                   0.) Read out noise sigma (photons)
(gain   =                   1.) Photon gain (photons/data number)
(lsigma =                   4.) Lower rejection threshold
(usigma =                   4.) Upper rejection threshold
(nsubaps=                    1) Number of subapertures per aperture
(mode   =                   ql)


kp> apall 3aug023
Find apertures for 3aug023?  (yes):
Number of apertures to be found automatically: 1
Resize apertures for 3aug023?  (yes):
Edit apertures for 3aug023?  (yes):

pojawia sie okienko do edytowania apertury (przekroj poprzeczny do kierunku

d       nowa apertura
n or nowy srodek apertury
l   ustalenie leweg i prawego konca apertury

wciskamy b

pojawia sie okienko------------------
do okreslenia tla

w & m  zmiana szerokosci

z   kasowanie obszarow
  klikajac s-em ipokazujac mycha zaznaczamy nowe obszary
f   fit a new background
q   wychodzimy

i jeszcze raz q

Trace .....(yes):  enter
fit interactively (yes): enter
fit curve to aperture 1 (yes): enter

pojawia sie okienko dopasowania kierunku dyspersji-------------------

zle punkty usuwamy przez  (w poblizu kursora)

undelete -> u

f fituje na nowo

q wychodzimy

write aperture for ... to database (yes): enter
extract spectra for 3augXXX  (yes): enter
rewiew.....  enter
review ...1  enter
i nareszcie jest

wychodzimy do cl (command line) q

otrzymane 1 wymiarowe widmo ma nazwe 3aug023.ms.imh