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 00247   TAU Taurid Complex  Shower Group - Status Established      
Members of the group S. Lon RA DE dRA dDE VG a q e Peri Node Incl Nmet OT References
  [deg]    J2000     [km/s] [AU] [AU]   [deg]    J2000
 Mean parameters 224 28 1. Jenniskens, 2006
 2/STA, Southern Taurids 224 49.4 13 0.73 0.18 28 2.07 0.352 115.4 37.3 5.4 00144 P 2. Porubcan and Kornos, 2002
 2/STA, Southern Taurids 216.0 47.9 12.8 0.99 0.26 26.6 1.95 0.353 0.798 116.6 34.4 5.3 00916 T 3. Jenniskens et al., 2016, Icarus, 266, 331
 2/STA, Southern Taurids 196 30.9 8.1 0.817 0.291 28.2 1.72 0.3084 0.820 122.26 16.0 5.3 02497 R 4. Brown et al., 2010
 2/STA, Southern Taurids 219.7 50.1 13.4 0.73 0.16 27.2 00707 T 5. SonotaCo, 2009
 2/STA, Southern Taurids 196.5 31.0 8.0 0.82 0.29 27.92 1.67 0.31 0.8144 122.5 16.0 3.0 02684 R 6. Brown et al., 2008
 2/STA, Southern Taurids 207.6 40.6 10.3 27.8 0.340 0.820 117.9 27.6 6.0 00036 P 7. Jopek et al., 2003
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 220.0 48.9 20.7 1.03 0.26 28.0 2.13 0.355 0.829 294.6 220.6 3.0 00509 T 8. Jenniskens et al., 2016, Icarus, 266, 331
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 219 48.9 17.7 0.84 0.25 28.1 2.06 0.3508 0.830 115.09 39.1 0.4 02281 R 9. Brown et al., 2010
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 234.4 62.0 24.0 0.65 0.12 29.7 00475 P 10. SonotaCo, 2009
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 224.5 53.3 21.0 0.88 0.19 28.1 2.06 0.354 0.8283 294.8 223.8 2.3 00470 R 11. Brown et al., 2008
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 214.1 44.7 19.8 29.6 0.317 0.853 298.8 214.1 3.4 00022 P 12. Jopek et al., 2003
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 224 58.6 21.6 0.80 0.16 28.3 2.12 0.350 294.9 226.2 3.1 00080 13. Porubcan and Kornos, 2002
 17/NTA, Northern Taurids 224 44.0 18.9 0.82 0.22 30.69 2.20 0.284 302.3 212.7 2.9 00025 P 14. Kresak and Porubcan, 1970
 Activity: annual
 Parent body:
 Notes: Group members: 2/STA, 17/NTA