Competition for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Physics – Astronomy
VICE-RECTOR ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POZNAN ANNOUNCES A COMPETITION for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomical Observatory Institute Basic information Research discipline (research field): Astronomy – Planetary Science Number of workhours per week including a task-based … Continued
Jubilee conference at the Astronomical Observatory in Kharkiv (Ukraine)
On 15 February, 2022 at the Institute of Astronomy of the National University in Kharkiv (Ukraine) a jubilee conference to celebrate the 80th birthday of prof. Dmitrij F. Lupishko was held. It was devoted to asteroid phometry and polarimetry. Due … Continued
Astronomers confirm the largest Earth Trojan asteroid
The SOAR telescope, part of the Cerro Tololo Observatory in Chile (Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory – CTIO), helped astronomers confirm the existence of Earth’s second Trojan asteroid and determine its exact orbit. Based on the observations, it was found that … Continued
Competition for the position of Assistant Professor (adjunct) at the Faculty of Physics – Astronomy
VICE-RECTOR IN CHARGE OF THE DISCIPLINE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AT THE ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY, POZNAN ANNOUNCES A COMPETITION for the position of assistant professor in the group of research-teaching employees at the Faculty of Physics Basic information Competition reference number: … Continued
Light reflected off a satellite mistaken for a distant gamma-ray burst
Astronomers from AMU Astronomical Observatory Institute have found a satellite debris which was mistaken for a gamma-ray burst (explosion of a very massive star) in the most distant galaxy known to date. If it was really a gamma-ray burst, … Continued